Connect with a Story, Transform Your Business

For organizations facing the new challenges of digital transformation, there may be no better solution for generating positive outcomes than to employ the ancient art of storytelling.

There’s a reason a good story is one of the most powerful tools at your disposal. Well crafted and well delivered, a story engages the mind and body at levels that no sales pitch, no sizzle video, no mission statement or leadership platitude can match. That’s because stories connect people at a uniquely human level with the things they care most about: their hunger for meaning, their desire to find purpose in work, and their dreams of prospering, growing, and contributing to society.

Let’s work together!

Mario Juarez is available for projects focused on:

Organizational development

Training and workshops based on “Storytelling for Impact,” an original methodology for developing storytelling competency, which has been proven with more than 12,000 technology professionals.

Motivational presentations  

Keynotes and speaking engagements focused on modern storytelling principles and guidance for cultivating a storytelling mindset in today’s business world.


Focused sessions with leaders and teams, designed to help infuse effective storytelling into corporate culture, foster and advance best practices, advance the effectiveness of leaders in their communications, and create stories that drive impact.

Story creation    

Creative services for writing, developing, producing, and landing story artifacts including videos, online articles, print publications and newsletters, and social media posting. 

To engage with Mario, email (click the link at the bottom of this page). 

Why do some business stories fall flat while others inspire powerful emotional engagement? One factor has to do with the type of story you're trying to tell. Here's a look at the key difference.